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The 15th International Congress on Invertebrate Reproduction and Development (第十五次国际无脊椎动物繁殖与发育大第一轮通知)
来源:      时间:2020-01-16      浏览量:

First Announcement


It is our great pleasure to announce and invite you to attend the 15th International Congress for Invertebrate Reproduction and Development (ICIRD2020), which will be held on June 14--18, 2020 in Qingdao, China. The meeting is sponsored by the International Society for Invertebrate Reproduction and Development (ISIRD) and hosted by the Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IOCAS). The theme of the Congress is “Global Climate Change Affecting Invertebrate Reproduction and Development”. However, the conference is expected to encompass all research areas of invertebrate reproduction and development as mentioned in the General Scientific Topics. We are looking forward to meeting colleagues and friends from all over the world in Qingdao.

1. Location

Huanghai Hotel, 75 Yanan Yi Road, Qingdao, China

2. Registration

Registration and abstract submission will be available online from October 20, 2019.

        3. Scientific Programme

The meeting will be comprised of plenary lectures, symposia and general sessions. In addition, poster sessions will be organized with authors in attendance.

The symposia are waiting for proposal and organization. Each symposium should contain at least six oral presentations. One organizer for each symposium will be waived for the registration fee.

4. General Scientific Topics

1) Environmental impacts on invertebrate reproduction and development

2) Parasitic and ecological roles of invertebrate larvae

3) Model invertebrates for studying reproduction and development

4) Arthropod reproduction and development

5) Crustacean reproduction and development

6) Molluscan reproduction and development

7) Reproduction and development of invasive invertebrates

8) Molecular mechanisms and evolution of sex and reproduction

9) Insect vectors of human disease and medical impacts of invertebrates

10) Life histories: Mating, larval biology, settlement & recruitment

11) Others

5. Accommodations

Huanghai Hotel, 75 Yanan Yi Road, Qingdao, China

For more information please visit the website at http://icird15.csp.escience.cn or contact the secretariat of the organizing committee at icird2020@163.com

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