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来源:      时间:2016-01-19      浏览量:

Deadline: 31st January 2016

The 12th International Mammalogical Congress (IMC12) will be held in Perth, Western Australia, from 9th – 14th July 2017. The Organising Committee is now inviting proposals for Symposia and Workshops for inclusion in the program. The theme of the Congress is “Advances in Mammalogy in a Changing World”. Symposia and Workshop titles with relevance to this theme are encouraged. The organisation of symposia in particular will follow the successful open session model used at IMC11 in Belfast. Symposia will be listed on the abstract submission form and Congress participants submitting abstracts will be able to nominate a symposium with which they feel their contribution is compatible. The Program Subcommittee will negotiate with the symposium organiser on the inclusion of presentations from open submission.

Symposium proposals should comprise at least four presentations, and we encourage inclusion of a diversity of views and perspectives. If accepted, each symposium will be allocated a session. Sessions of five and six time slots will be available but symposia may include additional sessions if demand through open submission is high. Potential symposium and workshop organisers are required to provide email confirmation from the proposed speakers when submitting their proposal. Workshops will generally be held in afternoon sessions and will allow more focus on methodologies and structured meetings of groups such as the IUCN SSC specialist groups.

Proposals should be submitted by email to IMC12@promaco.com.au by 31st January 2016.
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